Friday, May 6, 2011

My story of Acne after stopping Birth Control

I was on the pill from the age of 15 to 24. I went off the pill and it took almost a year for me to get acne and when i got it, it was pretty bad and a very stressful experience. Before going on the pill at 15 i NEVER had a pimple. I didnt last too long and at age 26 I went back on the pill and was on it until a little while ago. I get off last January (2010) and for about 2 months my skin was flawless but then it started and it kept getting worse and worse, full blown acne like a teenager.

I did all the research in the world and realized that its a hormonal imbalance since i was on the pill for 13 years and my body needs to learn how to make the hormones on its own with out any help so i decided to let time do its thing. I wasnt just going to sit and not do anything to help it though. I tried benzyl peroxide which is the main ingredient in acne medication and helps most acne sufferers look better while going through this ordeal, i strongly suggest you try that (Proactive has it and its good), unfortunately i wasnt so  lucky and i was the rare case who was allergic to it(most people arent so dont freak out).

Then i started going to an esthiticion that my mom has been going to for 20+ years, she specializes in acne. She of course isint going to make it go away but she can make me look better while im dealing with my  hormones balancing out and she has done exactly that. Its been 17 months since i got off and after the 10th month my acne started to get better, i still break out and my face is still full of scars but i have fewer breakouts and they last less time. Dont worry about scars, you can always do microdermabrasion to get rid of them.

Here are my tips and its what worked for me.
1. DONT PICK your face or it will scar
2. Remember its only temporary and once you let time do its thing you will be acne free without the stupid bc pill
3. Get the Proactive line and follow it, or get a face clenser, toner and lotion from the drug store that has benzyl peroxide and try that.
4. If you go to a dermatologist get topical stuff no pills cuz all it will do is control your acne while you're on them just as bc pills do and once you're off it will be the same thing you're going through now. So creams ok oral medication (ie antibiotics) not ok.
5. If you can afford to go to an esthetician DO IT, its expensive but worth it, do your research though, make sure they know how to deal with acne, maybe even talk to their acne clients. If you live in the Los Angeles area in California I can give you the information to mine. FYI i spend about 3k a year on her care, she also makes all her own products shes a chemist on top of it all.
6. Remember it may last a few months only(if you just got off) so dont freak out. I wouldnt take anything you will read about that claims to balance out your hormones, i dont think this is the case for that, all you need is time and it will do its thing.
7. Its hard for you to believe me now but you get used to it, dealing with your acne will get easier.
8. As for make up, make sure you use  mineral make up that wont clog your pores and oil free make up.


Take care, good luck and let me know if you have questions or concerns im happy to help, i know how painful it is.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Irina Barsky,

    Sometime back, I wrote to you about a new acne-related inspirational blog I have launched at

    I am happy to let you know that it has received a great response from bloggers talking about acne, and I have already published 2 interviews there.

    Since you have also been blogging about acne, I would like to welcome you again for an interview telling your story – we would discuss topics like your background, how you felt when you started getting acne, what you did to fight acne, the issues you faced, how you succeeded, etc. Your story would be really inspiring and motivating to many people wanting to get rid of acne, and therefore, I urge you to positively consider this interview request.

    You can take a look at any of the published interviews at to see how it would look like once published.

    I would be very happy to provide a link back to your blog or Facebook page. Please let me know if you would want to go ahead with this email interview, and I would send out the questions to you.

    Thanks in advance...

    Warm regards,
    How They Got Rid of Acne Team.
